The Grade 2 students started their term with planting some tomatoes and lettuce seedlings. We are also going to paint our vegie bins. The students are very excited about this project.

On Wednesday 18th Oct, we had a chance to go inside a CFA van and learn about ‘Fire Safety’. The students had fun doing various activities and they got to learn a lot about how firefighters save themselves and help the community when there is a fire. The students were fantastic and asked many questions to clear their doubts about the firefighters and their job.

On Friday 20th Oct, we had our Annual Sports Day. Everyone was excited as they contributed towards their house points and got to show their sporting skills.

In Literacy, we are learning about how to write a ‘Narrative Text’. The students are getting familiar with the structure and the language features of a narrative.

In Numeracy, the students are working on ‘Division’. They have been doing various hands on activities to consolidate this concept.

In Science, our topic is ‘Materials’. The students are exploring different materials and their properties that make them suitable to be used for making particular objects.

Student’s Refletions

“In the first week of term 4, my class and I planted some tomatoes and lettuce seedlings. We used shovels to dig holes. Then we put the plants in and watered them.” – Yassin Abdulsaadh

“On Wednesday 18th October, the Grade 2s went to the CFA van. We learnt about fire safety and what the firefighters wear in a fire. We also learnt about the importance of fire alarms and why they need to be checked from time to time.” –Youssef Abdelmaksoud

“Last week we planted vegetables at school. It was really fun especially when we get to choose which one we wanted to plant. It was perhaps one of the best things I have done this term so far.” – Feyza Engin

“We did our ‘Wish List’ for the Book Fair last week. From 23rd October – 27th October we can go to the Library during lunch time to buy stuff from the Book Fair. There are heaps of exciting things to choose from.” – Banin Juma

“On Friday 20th October, our school had the Annual Sports Day. We got to participate in different activities and the winners got ribbons. We also had icy poles at the end of the day. I had lots of fun.” -Ruzgar Bilir

“I participated in a lot of sporting activities and won a lot of badges. Murray House won at the end.” – Tamer Uguz

Grade 2
Grade 2
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I hope we have a fantastic term.

Mrs. Gurtirath Singh
Grade 2 Teacher